Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time to give!!!

Its that time of year again when we want all your money...but it's for a great cause, God's!!!

The reality in Tacna is that "free" public education is a joke. The education is low quality; the teachers are not very interested in their students; at the end of the day if the students don't pass many can pay their corrupt teachers for passing grades. It is a sad cycle of corruption which seems impossible to defeat, impossible to overcome. At the beginning of each school year the teachers send out a list of approximately $50 in school supplies that each student must purchase in order to begin classes. For many families that only make $150, $200 or $300 a month, having a few kids studying can take up a month or two of salary.

Last year we were blessed to receive donations from six people which allowed us to give out 30 scholarships of $50 each. To see photos click here.

Our hope and prayer is that we will reach over 50 this year so please pass the word along. If anyone would like to give please send all tax-deductible donations to:
Iberoamerican Ministries
PO Box 1493
Monroe, Wa 98272
**Write in the note of the check "Brian Ridenour - Tacna Scholarships"**

We love you all and hope you are enjoying God's goodness. Without your support and prayers all we do wouldn't be possible.

Micro-business Success

I am happy to share with you all what God has done through the micro-business.

We were able to pay out over $2300 in salaries, electricity bill, and internet costs.

Also, God provided the School Supply Store with over $4300 in profits which will allow us to give out over 40 school supply scholarships.

So the church has been able to provide jobs, lower the costs of running the church, and help over 40 families give their children an education to help give them an opportunity to get out of poverty with a donation of $7000 by one family. We have been given two smaller donations and we are looking to expand the micro-businesses this year so we can bless more and God's love can be known.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The final product!

A look from afar.

New Years Eve a little different this year.

We started building the house for the temple guards in Ciudad Nueva. It has been on hold for over five years since we haven't received much financial support for construction, but God provided enough to build the walls and the roof. Thank you Hope Christian and the Rische family for their long time support.
