Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Global Leadership Summit - Lima, Peru

On November 19-20Willow Creek will be putting on their annual international leadership conference ( and one of their international hubs will be in Lima, Peru. A group of 7-10 of us leaders from Tacna will be going to Lima to grow, be encouraged, and challenged as leaders to move ourselves forward as well as the churches God has entrusted unto us. It will be an important time for us with speakers like Jack Welch, Bill Hybels, Terri Kelly, and more.

This will a one time opportunity for some of the leaders, some have never even flown in an airplane before. We are hoping to have between 7-10 of the leaders there but we will need approximately $1500 financial support for airline tickets, room and board, and the conference fee.

Please keep this in your prayers and if you feel led to help out let us know. All information for donating is located at the top of the webpage.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Non-Catholic Religious Entities Conference

We were blessed to host the Non-Catholic religious entities conference for all the churches in Tacna who wished to be present. The conference was designed to inform the churches in Tacna how and why they should register themselves with the government. We were surprised to find out that we are the only church in Tacna currently registered with the government. It was a very informative meeting and we pray it was a blessing to many churches.
Taking an afternoon drive with Matthew. He loves how the stick shift shakes his arms.

While eating he grabbed his hair and gave himself this awesome oompa-loompa hairstyle.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The youth group in Local Central,, did a Bingo event on Friday to raise money for a retreat on Halloween weekend. With some big changes in leadership happening in next year, we are hoping the retreat will encourage more from the group to step up in their relationship with God.

Even with all his cards Carlos didn't win once...or maybe it was because he couldn't keep up with all his cards?

Children's Party

We had our annual children's party this year to celebrate all the children's birthdays in one party. We played the usual AWANA games, then sang some songs together and danced, sang happy birthday and had some cake, and sent the kids off with a little bag of treats. It was a fun afternoon celebrating with the kids.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nueva Jerusalen anniversary

Sunday October 17th was the church in Nueva Jerusalen's anniversary and all three churches in Tacna came together to celebrate. We enjoyed worship music with typical peruvian instruments, a baptism, and a great time together with papa a la huancaina (all those who have been here know how good it is).

Here are some photos to enjoy!

Worship team from Nueva Jerusalen

The family of the bass player from Nueva Jerusalen

Everyone gathered around for a baptism

Baptism of one of the girls from the youth group

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fun, Friends, and Iglesia Sana

We were blessed to have our good friends Steve and Pauly up from Santiago, Chile for a week.

This is all he has been doing's fun to watch him learn new things!

We were able to have a holiday off, well half off, and enjoy the time with a BBQ party. Tried out my new Jack Daniels Sauce recipe and had some fun with Matthew in the pool for the first time.

Earlier that morning and later that evening I was translating Dr. John Turner's "Sign's of a Healthy Church" seminar. It was definitely one of the most practical and helpful week of classes we have had at Iberoamericana. Let's just be praying that we can all learn to put such practical classes into practice.

OANSA/AWANA Championship - Videos

OANSA/AWANA Championship

Nueva Jerusalen - winners of the latest championship.

Ciudad Nueva - our kids got a close 2nd...I think it was rigged!

Blurry because of extremely high speed running!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Fun Bad Luck

so we had a couple kids over to the house the other day to play some Wii (finally getting some use) and talk about bad luck...after about 10 minutes playing we had a blackout. We ended up playing different board games and playing with Kobe our dog, and after more than a couple hours we had to leave. We all got into the car and the moment I went to start the car we saw all the lights go on upstairs in our apartment.

As my friend Paul would say, "So it goes."
