On November 19-20Willow Creek will be putting on their annual international leadership conference (www.willowcreekglobalsummit.com) and one of their international hubs will be in Lima, Peru. A group of 7-10 of us leaders from Tacna will be going to Lima to grow, be encouraged, and challenged as leaders to move ourselves forward as well as the churches God has entrusted unto us. It will be an important time for us with speakers like Jack Welch, Bill Hybels, Terri Kelly, and more.
This will a one time opportunity for some of the leaders, some have never even flown in an airplane before. We are hoping to have between 7-10 of the leaders there but we will need approximately $1500 financial support for airline tickets, room and board, and the conference fee.
Please keep this in your prayers and if you feel led to help out let us know. All information for donating is located at the top of the webpage.
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