Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's a...

Yes!!!! Believe it because it is true. 12 weeks this, yes the whole time we were in the states and everyone was asking us and bothering us, it was already true. Now the suspense begins if it will be my little princess or champ.

We love you all. Thank you for your prayers.


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! Congratulations!

    I was looking at your blog, knowing it was yours but thinking it was Tracie's for some reason (Peru - Tacna - Cusco, I don't know) and thinking, "she wasn't just in the states" ... But WOW!!! You're going to be a dad! felicidades to you and Chiqui. Send her my love.

  2. 12 weeks huh? Dang, and here I was thinking the new little Ridenour baby was created in my guest room. Oh well, congrats again bro. We love all three of you guys!

  3. You guys are such good liars!! haha... you know, Ricky told me when we saw you in Tacna that he thinks you were already pregnant but didn't want to say anything... and I totally agreed with him!! haha, so it IS true. Congratulations, Becoming a parent is such a huge blessing!

  4. either way its freaking awesome! Congrats

  5. yay! a baby!

    Hey brian I'm coming to Tacna in a few weeks!No puedo esperar! chau compadre!

  6. Congratulations! We'll be praying for all 3 of you!

