Wednesday, June 10, 2009

National Protests

Sometimes things in Peru can be pretty complicated.  In the jungle these last few months there have been protests over some indigenous land that will be turned over to foreign investors.  Indigenous people groups have had problems with the government and foreign investment for decades.  Usually what happens is foreign investors come in and promise all kinds of economic benefits and social projects, but the government gets paid off and never enforces the conditions of their investments.  This has led to most indigenous groups flat out negating any foreign investors with interests in their lands.  This particular case is even more complex.  The land that the government had decided to give over was a burial ground, land considered sacred by the indigenous.

The way most things work in 3rd world countries is you strike and use violence until the corrupt are forced to stop.  It is unfortunate and it makes things very hard for us as a church to preach non-violence because we are basically saying let them stomp all over you.  I know that is not what we are teaching but that is what is understood because they know no other way.  

There is suppose to be a national protest tomorrow and all public transportation will be shut down as well as most businesses.  We will see what happens tomorrow, but be rest assured that none of the violence has been here in Tacna.  

To know more here are some recent news articles.


  1. Thats tuff! We will be praying for you guys and the people of Peru.

  2. hey brian, welcome to the blogging world...

    how are things in Tacna these days? I posted about the protests in the Amazon too. Things are ok here, now.. Today nothing happened. People are getting ready for Inti Raymi and all the June festivals.

    Take care, say hi to Chiqui for us

  3. sorry didn't sign it, that post was from us

    tracie y ricky

