9:30am - we met at the plaza and went to the smoothie shop, not your typical Java Juice.
10am - not looking so good. the girl working there doesn't even want to touch the frog, the other guy picked one up and showed it to us but he doesn't know how to peel them...yeah, peel the frogs skin off. but we still have hope because the owner knows how and should be in in a little bit after he recovers from an obvious long night.
11:30am - owner is at the shop and IT'S ON! we all get out our cameras and he picks out the frog. steps into the open door kitchen. grabs the frog by the legs, lifts his arm in the air and brings it down fast and SMACK! the frog is now dead. now begins the peeling process which is also quick. he finally brings it out in the blender (that's how you make smoothies you know) and pours some brown liquid into it, a spoon full of this powder and a spoon full of that powder and let the blending begin.
11:45 - it is served and we are hesitant. the smell is really bad and alfredo, the guy next to me almost pukes. but we man up and get our puke plans ready...where will each of us go just in case. 1...2...3 and we downed it. all four of us and we didn't throw up. a great day off indeed.
it actually wasn't that bad at all. kind of tasted like chocolate milk, but with little blended chunks of kermit and the bottom. and that was Kermit's last day! add him to the list of the latest.
Dude, that is sooo gross!