Saturday, June 6, 2009

Back in Tacna

So we are back in Tacna for about a week now and finally getting back into the swing of things.  Things went well while we were gone.  The church went through some tough situations, as churches always do, but each one is a growing pain that God uses to make his bride stronger.  

This blog will be a new way for us to stay more informative with all of you who are interested in Tacna and what we do on more of a daily and weekly basis.  Please pass it on to whomever you think might be interested.  So here we go with the first one.

We will be getting together some papers to present to the church in the next week or two explaining what we do and where we would like to go.  These are crucial for our home church's understanding of who we are and what our plans are for the future.  Please pray with us so that the words will be clearly understood and touch the hearts and minds of those who will read them.  Much of our future will be depend on the decisions of a select few.  

I don't think that we are too stressed out, but my body seems to be telling me otherwise.  I am not sleeping very much and am having a hard time thinking and concentrating.  Your prayers are always needed and appreciated.

Our arrival in Tacna was great.  We were recieved by a few of the church members with masks on and a sign that read "Bienvenidos Gripe Porcina!" (translated "Welcome Swine Flu!").  And that night the church we focus most of our work on prepared a nice dinner for us with all the adults.  We were very excited to see how the church continued to grow without our presence because it shows how God has raised up the leaders in the church to continue forward with Him.

That is it for my first Tacna Life blog.  I must finish my sermon for tomorrow morning and afternoon and then I will get to test my knee (I tore a knee ligament in February) in soccer after church tomorrow night.  If all goes well we will be very happy.  Then after soccer Chiqui and I will go across the border to Chile on Monday to celebrate our 4 year anniversary (it was June 4th) because we have to pick up two interns early Tuesday morning anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea with the Blog B. You should link to it with your facebook like Taleah does so everyone on there knows when you update it. Just post a link in your status update then we all know! Tell your lovely bride I said hello.

