Monday, July 19, 2010

Videos - Tacna and Matthew

Hey everyone,

I have been working on a short video with photos from Tacna and realized how easy it is to upload videos edited in my computer to I also uploaded some videos from Mother's Day, our apartment, and Matthew.

Hopefully I can get more and more videos up about the work going on here so you can see it first hand and share it with others who are interested in what God is doing here.

Thank you all for your support, prayers, comments, etc. You are cherished and a blessing!


  1. Saw the videos...nice the ones with Matthew and your apartment...makes me feel like I'm right there! =) Keep posting! Hugs and blessings to you, Chiqui, and sweet Matthew! =)

  2. Hey Hi..!! Great Job... I guess your blog is only one in Tacna.... There are a some blogs christians in Tacna .... I hope know you some day for practice my english.... I notice you that tomorrow we (Blogers and twitter) have a meeting in Plaza Zela to 9 pm..... ..... bye

