Friday, February 13, 2015


This is the biggest photo ever taken.  It is many stars, planets, universes, solar systems.  It is simply beautiful.

I have been reflecting on families lately.  In many ways families are like constellations. We are all a part of some constellation and we identify ourselves as such.  A constellation is a group of related things, or what we know as a group of stars.

I am a child of God.  I am a husband and a father. I am a Ridenour.   I am a coffee lover (and roaster). I am a Packer fan.  I am a Kings fan.

These are the ways that people can identify me.  Most people do not know nor understand what all that means, but it is who I am and the way I relate to everything to do.  It is where I am.  It is who I am.  It is the group that I am a part of.

When it all comes to an end we will be known by who we are identified as, what group we form.  We are one star but we are a part of something bigger.

Who are you?

1 comment:

  1. I am a child of God. I am a husband and a father. I am a Ridenour. I am a coffee lover (and roaster). I am a Packer fan. I am a Kings fan.executive sober living ny

